Saturday, 26 April 2014


All along, my goal has been to complete the 2014-2015 school year, and then retire as the school is amalgamated with 2 others.  A perfect time to leave, right?  Well we have discovered that, yes, the admin agrees with amalgamation that was recommended to them.  They do, however, see that it will take an extra year for everything to be in place for the amalgamation.  Our school, then, is slated to close and be reopened 3 times as big, with a new name in 2016.  It still needs to be approved by the trustees, and the final decision is slated for 8 weeks from now.   BUT, that is an additional year to think about.  Do I stay?  Do I retire?  What do I do

Looking into the difference in my pension, there is about $110 a month extra if I stay until 2016.  But I don't want to be one of those people who work and then do not get a chance to enjoy retirement. factor is that one of the schools has decided to fight the whole thing.  I don't know where they were during the public input sessions for the past year, but they, apparently, were sleeping, and are now ready to put the boxing gloves on. Unfortunately, our school board set a precedent with another about-to-be-closed school, allowing the community to try and find their own solution.  What it has meant, is that the school is in limbo, not knowing if they are closing, staying, adding new 'partners' or what. 

I don't want to be that limbo with our school, so, right now, I am thinking that I will still be retiring at the end of the next school year-June 2015.  

I have learned, however, never to say never, until never is done!

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